NBC Official Site Updated

Paul Campbell’s character Billy Morgan — who is already one of the most popular new additions to the series — has been given his own blog: Billy’s Notes From the Underground. In it, he reveals what’s going on in his personal, “behind-the-episodes” life. The first few posts give insight into Billy’s thoughts about his promotion , his ex-girlfriend, and life in the SSC/K.I.T.T.-Cave.

The writers of Knight Rider have also got their own space to speak to their audience. NBC has established a Knight Writer’s Blog, and Gary Scott Thompson has made the first, introductory message:

“We’ll be posting on this blog regularly to give you some insight on the inner workings of the show. Feel free to post your questions in the comments section below and we’ll try to answer as many of them as possible as we go along. -GST”

Knight Industries Research has also gone live. This is a restricted website for employees of Knight Industries Research and Development only. Enter your name and password to access your KR work computer account!

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